2024年秋季学期 墨西哥的韦斯特蒙特



你是那种喜欢挑战和冒险的人吗? Does becoming more fluent in another language and building relationships with people of other cultures excite you? Would you like to explore Christianity in a new context and grow in ways you never thought possible? 墨西哥的韦斯特蒙可能正适合你! 墨西哥的韦斯特蒙特 (WIM) is a fall semester program led by Westmont faculty and located in the beautiful, 殖民城市奎尔凯萨罗. 在这个节目中, 学生获得有效的跨文化生活技能, 经历道成肉身的事工, 提高他们的西班牙语能力. WIM offers students the unique opportunity to immerse themselves in Mexican culture through 首页 stays, 课程, 以及在基督教ag娱乐官网的支持下进行实地考察. Another distinctive feature is its "cycle of learning" consisting of orientation, 国内, 以及重返社会研讨会.

"Spending the whole semester in the same city allowed us to really feel the heartbeat of our host families, 地方, 以及整个墨西哥文化." 

——加布里埃尔,《ag娱乐官网》 & 西班牙语专业

WIM被设计为通识教育课程的一部分, 并满足GE的多项要求. 我们鼓励所有专业的学生申请.


WIM提供综合课程, in which topics learned in one class are reinforced and expanded upon in others, 以及实地考察和当地游览. 最重要的是, students are learning and applying something new each and every day both inside and outside the classroom.

WIM的学生通常学习16个单元. 大多数课程是3个单元. 韦斯特蒙特的住院主任教授一门课程, “迷人的文化," which is an integrative seminar designed to help you process the entire experience. All other courses are taught by highly qualified Mexican university professors.

  • 中级西班牙语(sp3 /4) 通用现代语言
  • 高级西班牙语(SP 100) & 语境中的语言(sp105) GE写作密集
  • Advanced Oral Skills, Composition, and Grammar (for advanced Spanish students)
  • 墨西哥历史 & 文明 通用电气的历史思考,常见的问题
  • 艺术原则:墨西哥 通用电气执行 & 解读艺术
  • 综合研讨会:参与文化 通用电气全球思维
  • 拉丁舞 通用电气豌豆
  • 拉丁美洲文学I & II 阅读想象文学
  • 墨西哥的文学 阅读想象文学
  • 文学翻译(高年级学生)
  • 墨西哥和美国的关系 GE政治学选修课
  • Mexican Schools Field Experience (Liberal Studies Practicum, for students with advanced Spanish)

WIM has a 2-unit pre-departure orientation seminar (IS 192) during the spring semester and an optional reentry seminar (IS 197) upon arrival back 首页.

  • 这个项目的额外好处是西班牙语强化课程, allowing you to complete the equivalent of one year's language study in just one semester
  • WIM程序作为一个整体满足 跨文化沟通
  • Students will return with multiple GEs satisfied (typically 5-7 GEs) and up to 16 units for a Spanish minor or major. 


The cost of the program will be standard Westmont tuition, fees, standard room and board. 没有节目费用, but you will be responsible for the cost of round trip airfare from the USA to Mexico. 

Students are allowed to apply their financial aid awards from the college—both need-based and merit-based awards—toward the program’s cost.


  • 任何专业的二年级,三年级和四年级学生. 特别鼓励大一新生申请.
  • 一学期的大学西班牙语或同等学历. 
  • 春季学期(IS 192)的2单元出发前指导研讨会.


  • Participate in occasional communal meals based on local diet with limited control over food choices.
  • Navigate multiple irregular surfaces and walk/travel an average of 3-5 miles a day independently and up to 10 miles a day on monthly field trips.
  • Anticipate having sufficient emotional wellness to fully participate in the program safely and successfully despite the limited availability of frequent access to psychological services.
  • 预计每月实地考察至少有两间客房.
  • Receive the final dose of the Covid-19 vaccine at least two weeks prior to the commencement of the program. 
  • 如果符合条件, receive the most recent Covid-19 vaccine booster at least two weeks prior to departure if it has been at least two months since your last Covid-19 vaccine or booster. 


For more information about the program, contact Professor Mary Docter (docter@youfa110.com). 有关申请流程的更多信息,请联系ocp@youfa110.com.



The WIM handbook is designed to help current WIM students navigate their semester abroad once you are accepted into the program. 在你准备旅行时,这本手册会回答你的许多问题, 以及在墨西哥生活期间给你提供有价值的信息. 目前还没有最新的手册. 请发邮件给. 医生,如果你想看以前的版本.